How to Have A Healthy Communication With Your Child
Being a parent, you would certainly want the best for your children. You would also like a healthy open relationship with them to open up to you and share everything they want without any barrier or second thought. This way, you can form a solid and understanding...
Useful Guide to Help Children Learn Arabic Easily
When it comes to making children understand or learn about something specific, ensure that the method used to help children learn should be executed in a fun and innovative way. Their attention span is very small, and it becomes crucial to create an engaging way to...
CAS President, Mr. Imran Khan, and the READ Team tour CAS to ensure campus readiness
CAS President, Mr. Imran Khan, and the READ Team tour CAS to ensure campus...
CAS President, Mr. Imran Khan, welcomed parents and students to the CAS Orientation
Message from President of CAS Mr. Imran Khan Greetings to the City American School Community, I hope you are all staying safe and in good spirit. Welcome to the CAS orientation! At the outset, I would like to thank the parents for entrusting CAS to further the...